In your search for a suitable LVT floor, you will undoubtedly come across all sorts of terms. Besides offering a beautiful LVT collection, we also believe it is important to provide a safe floor. A floor that meets the strictest requirements.
What characterises our durable floors? They are:
- Free of harmful phthalates.

- Features 'durable' plasticisers.
Plasticisers ensure that anything very firm and rigid also becomes flexible and pliable. So an essential component in a LVT floor that you want to work well with. So normally those plasticisers are made of phthalate. Our 'virgin' LVT floors are as pure as possible and contain no phthalate.
- A+ and E1 standardised.
The A+ label provides information on the emission of volatile substances in a toxic threat when breathing indoor air on a scale from A+ (very low-emission) to C (high-emission). Belakos floors comply with class A+. The E1 label provides information on the Formaldehyde content. Formaldehyde is a gas sometimes used in the production of, for example, chipboard, MDF, insulation materials and textiles. It is therefore found all around us in indoor air. However, too high concentrations of formaldehyde can cause eye, nose, throat or skin irritations or lead to headaches. This is why Europe set strict standards on formaldehyde emissions. All Belakos floors meet the strictest standards. In Europe, this is currently the E1 standard.
Belakos floors bear the Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold label. The Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold label shows that the product in question meets global VOC emission specifications. The label combines all relevant European regulations and the most voluntary labels. With the Indoor Air Comfort Gold label, we want to continue to ensure that our products are a safe choice in terms of emissions, both now and in the future, thus contributing to good indoor air quality.
See at which labels fall under this Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold certificate. These include German (AgBB/ABG, formerly known as the DIBt), French (A+), Belgian and Italian labels, BREEAM, GUT, Global Greentag and many more.
Durable and tough,
Quality on your floor.